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CongaFreepay questions and answers
What in the world is a conga?
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Ok, so how does this site work?
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Why should I sign up for a conga?
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Is this safe and legal?
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Do I need to use the same email on this site as with Freepay?
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I want to have more than one account here, can I do that?
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How does this site make money?
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I already have a Freepay account, can I still use CongaFreepay?
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When I try to sign up from the current 'active' person I get a blank page for something invalid, can you help me?
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HEY! My name is moved in the list, WHY?
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Freepay questions and answers
Who is Freepay?
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Is this for real? Do you actually get what you sign up for?
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How can they possibly make money off this?
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How long will it take for me to get my stuff from Freepay?
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My instant credit hasn't gone through, what gives?
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So what are the easier offers to complete?
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How long before I can canel my new 'membership' for an offer?
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How many times can I get the same free product?
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Copyright CongaFreePay, all rights reserved 2006.
Freepay logo and product images are copyright FreePay, all rights reserved Gratis Internet 2006